9:30 a.m. I have to make three totoros for Willow's cousin Francie in three days. I can do this. Oooh, the amirigurumi one is so cute! I want to make that! I can kind of spin and kind of sew, surely I can kind of crochet!
9:45 a.m. Okay, I don't have the exact right yarn, but if I hold this one double it'll work.
9:50 a.m. Uh. It's kind of hard to pull two strands at a time through without getting confused.
10:15 a.m. How the heck do you know where the end of the round is??? I'm using a safety pin.
10:22 a.m. Even with the safety pin I can't really tell.
10:27 a.m. No seriously.

10:45 a.m. This sure uses up a lot of yarn.
11:10 a.m. I'm totally going to run out of yarn. Dangit. Also this thing is going to be HUGE. This is just the top of the head.
11:11 a.m. Okay, new plan. I'm going to make one totoro in three days, because that is more
realistic. It will also be smaller.
12:09 p.m. Much better. And much easier using only one strand of yarn!
Day 2
12:20 p.m. Uhoh. This is taking a long time. I might still run out of yarn--and that CANNOT HAPPEN.
2:00 p.m. OHMYGOD this is going to be the biggest totoro in all the land.
2:10 p.m. Oh duh. This is his whole body not just his head. WHEW.

10:45 a.m. Crocheting uses different parts of the fingers than knitting does, and so my calluses are useless. I'm getting a blister. Wah.
12:00 p.m. I still can't figure out where the end of round is, by the way.
Day 4
This is taking FOREVER. I should have started this weeks ago. I thought this was a one-day project, tops. Time to wrap it up.

Progress! I have made an egg with eyes.

Day 6
It looks kinda freaky. I'm just sayin'.
Well. I am now SUPER COMFORTABLE with single crochet. I have MASTERED single crochet, having made a nine-inch-tall totoro/freaky bunny. Although I never really figured out how to tell where the round ended.
And here he is with his knit totoro family (you can see why I wanted to switch to crochet this time around. They look a little worse for wear. The cat really likes them, you see).
Oh well. Merry Christmas, Francie!
That is exactly why me and crochet can't be friends! Unless it's a blanket I can't ever figure where the end of the row is!
I can only tell the end of a round with the help of a pretty stitch holder... or counting the stitches as I go along but that is hardly ever successful! And what a project as your first crochet. Most start with a simple granny square! He is so sweet...
It looks great!!! Mom
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