But I just can't seem to shake the harrumphs. I put on the very cutest sundress I have, and while it's not especially flattering to my new abdominal shape, it still has bows and ruffles and they're enough to cheer anybody up, right?
Part of the problem may be that I apparently have something ten inches long inside of me and I have no earthly idea where that could possibly fit. Something six inches long, maybe. If it nestled gently between my spleen and my liver and did its best not to move or disturb anything. Which, clearly, it is not doing.
Yep, I can feel the baby moving finally. And I'm sorry to malign you like that, baby--I really can barely feel it, it's more just like something wriggling or occasionally very gently poking me. Swimmyswimmy, taptaptap. But that begs the question--how can something ten inches long be so very...unintrusive? Such a polite little child you are. But things are feeling a bit squashed in there, like all my organs are crammed into the back seat of the car like a family with six kids and a Neon.
Maybe I can distract myself with talk of the knitting. On the car ride back and forth from the Cape, I made great progress on a baby blanket:

Inspired in equal parts by Baby Surprise Jacket, and that most comforting of knitted items, textured shawl, this is something I imagined up and decided to try doing it. I discovered yesterday that somebody already designed a concentric squares baby blanket, but it looks like they did it using the plan-things-out-before-you-knit-them technique, which I've never mastered. This one is just increase along the four points until you feel like you've done it enough, and stop. The yarn is somewhat silly for a baby blanket--Knitpicks Alpaca Silk. But I wanted something fuzzy but not too fuzzy, and very soft. And I'll know better than to throw it in the washer and dryer.
The problem with this method, of course, is that you go great guns at the beginning, and it's all very interesting, and now it's taking me an hour to complete a round. (My friend Adelaide, who is just finishing up Girasole at my suggestion, has no sympathy for me. What she does have is a million circular needles in US6).
In even more boring knitting, I finally completed the six baby burp cloths I set myself to make:

But when you knit six of them in a row, you tend to develop a certain dislike of them. I would advise against it.

There. I feel better already. Boring knitting accomplished, which means it's boring knitting I don't have to do now. Well done.
aww...the time is flying by!!! I bet it's really magical too. Having never had any children yet, i've got it to look forward to.
Okay, those (burp cloths) are basically square, right? And they look nice, but theoretically, a square itself could suffice, correct? I need something to attempt to knit, other than a scarf, and this seems like maybe it could work. Or am I wrong? I have no clue, but I doubt any baby would care about my burp cloth mistakes and inability to fix them. Advise, kindly.
They're totally square. I could email you a basic pattern, and you just go back and forth forever (hence the boringness, but sometimes that's a good thing).
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